Written English | Laigtsagyen pronounciation |
a | a as in father |
b | v |
c | s |
d | - |
e | e as in Spanish pero, or e as in English bet |
f | - |
g | - |
h | n |
i | i as in week, or i as in pin |
j | j as in French je |
k | - |
l | - |
m | - |
n | i as in week, or i as in pin |
o | o as in old, or as in Spanish odio |
p | r as in English or tap r as in Spanish pero |
q | k |
r | ya as in Yahtzee |
s | - |
t | - |
u | ts |
v | ts |
w | sh as in fish |
x | x as in Spanish Mexico |
y | u as in food |
z | - |
Final e preceded by a consonant is pronounced yeh as in yellow. For the rule to apply, the sound before the final e must be a consonant phonetically. The rule doesn't apply to written consonants which are prononunced as vowels (the letters n, y, and r), but does apply to written vowels which are pronounced as consonants (the letter u).
When the i or u sound is next to another vowel sound, it sometimes merges with the other vowel to form a diphthong, so that both vowels belong to the same syllable. But sometimes it doesn't. The conditions, if any, under which diphthongization occurs or doesn't occur are not known, since Laigtsayen phonology has not received a lot of attention or funding. Most people consider the topic confused and boring anyway.
A good way to learn Laigtsagye is by reading road signs out loud with a Laigtsagyen pronounciation. While learning Laigtsagye may not be a very useful activity, at least it can help kill time on road trips. However, on long road trips, it's a good idea to be considerate of the other passengers. Most people react to discussions of Laigtsagye by changing the subject or finding an excuse to leave.
Speed limit 55.
Do you want to go
You can tune a guitar, but
you can't tuna fish.
May I please piss on your
The lead tuna is stuck in
the vacuum cleaner.
Known speakers of Laigtsagye include: Lee Shirey, Gary Napper, Bill Mills, Dan Garner, and Sam Shone.