Teton Tea Teton Tea derives its name from the Teton Mountain area where it was invented. There is no better beverage. This is a recipe to pass down to your grandchildren. First you build a good fire. Over the fire on a tripod suspend a blackened iron cauldron or pot of some kind. You must have at least three varieties of wine. More bottles is better. Cheap wine is OK, and may even be preferred. Most of the wine should be red. A tea master and two or three assistant are required to make the tea. One of the assistants is in charge of keeping the fire just right. No others may taste the tea until their work is finished. The master and each of the assistants in turn must sample each bottle of wine. If all agree that a bottle is right for the tea, that bottle is poured into the cauldron. When all bottles have been emptied into the pot, the wine is brought up to temperature that is deemed appropriate by the tea master. The tea must be sampled periodicly to by all present to determine if it has reached the prefect temperature. When it is right, the tea master will add about one medium handful of long pine needles (or more if it is a largish batch) and the tea from about five tea bags. Bags must be cut open, and tea emptied into the pot loose. A few interesting looking stones and a bit of dirt may also be added to bring up the flavor. Now the most imporntant step is performed. The tea master and her assistants must tend to the tea as it simmers. They must watch the fire to see that it does not get too hot or burn too low. They must stir the tea continually, and tirelessly sample the tea, making small comments about how the flavor is developing or what small amount of which ingredient might be added to make the tea perfect. Teton tea may take from three to five hours to make. When the tea makers declare that the tea is perfect, the tea may be used for the sacred ritual purposes. All of the tea should be drunk that day, as its ability to release psychic energy to feed the cave tunas is at its peak the moment the tea tenders release it.