If ye desire to be a Tuna before thee knows what a Tuna be, question the concept of thy values. Think twice what and why ye think at all. Recognise the symbol "twice" times trinity. Repeat the results 1, 2, 3. The number of the beast appears. 666 is 18 times 37. On base 3, 37 is the stable element of the set which gives 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc. This could be literally improved for better communication. But I've diverted from our original premise - what bullshit - from the question of what's a Tuna and what is not. "Will you take an oath of fatalism?" "Will Schmedley smile?" Are there qualities? Is there a common ground? If you can define your way out of it, you are forced to define the terms of definition, then the definition becomes unending Tuna lore. The moral or morale of this tail is not in desire but on the fish. - Book of Bertermann, ch. 17, v. 37