Hell's Tunas Archives
Hell's Tunas Motorcycle Club
Gems from the Hell's Tunas Archives
The Hell's Tunas Archives were originally maintained by Dan "Gonar" (aka
Gonad, aka Globetar) Garner. They were kept in a great hall on the 2nd
story of his farmhouse near Kirksville, IN. To the uninitiated eye, they
resembled a giant baggie filled with garbage. It did in fact contain the
remains of several Hell's Tunas bashes, including empty beer and spam
and was generally in a pretty poor state, as far as search & retreival of
data goes.
In about 1986, Gonax moved from the Kirksville estate, and turned the
duty of Archivist over to Louie.
Any Hell's Tunas items which are delivered to the
Archivist will be included in the HTMC Archives, within reason. Below
are a few of the gems which have been mouldering away in the archives.
These are not for the squeamish, and may contain immature
language and references. If there is something you would like to see put
up on the web site from the archives, drop a note to Louie.
Have fun!
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This Hell's Tuna Web Site is maintained by dave@hellstunas.org and bmills@hellstunas.org.